Submitting to Social Networks (results)

July 24, 2009 This is a follow up to my post "here":/personal/2009/07/23/submitting-to-social-networks.html. Basically I've been fooling around with Google Analytics and wanted to post some numbers. These are the referral numbers I got after submitting links to this blog on three social network sites: |_<{padding:0 50px 0 0}.site|_<{padding:0 10px 0 0}.referrals|_<{padding:0 10px 0 0}.pages/visit|_<{padding:0 10px 0 0}.avg time here| |Facebook|14|3.64|3'58"| |Twitter|2|2.5|2'09"| |Digg|2|1|0'0"| So not only did Facebook provide the most referrals but the highest quality referrals as well. People coming to the site from Digg apparently left immediately. Surprisingly enough a couple people from Twitter found the blog and actually stuck around. And one of them was from Germany. I'll probably post more GA numbers here soon since I'm spending a lot of time looking at them...

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